Written by Narayana

Sara Rahbar
We left our woes behind, with only echoes of our previous lives remaining. Seeking continuation, time and refuge, attempting to survive our selves, our lives and our present locations.
I work to work out the turbulence that exists within me, I am healing myself and at the same time communicating an immense pain.
It is about falling, standing and attempting to survive it all. In the end we are all in exile, we are all just visiting and we all come to this earth alone and we leave alone. But while we are here we try so desperately to belong to some-thing, to somebody and to somewhere.
Metamorphosing and transforming for the means of surviving it all, our foundations lay, but our houses have burned to the ground. Building castles in the sky, for a species that cannot fly, brick by limb we tear it down. Thinking that we are moving forwards, yet moving backwards all along.
Gajar woman and golden toys, we wait for dawn…
written by Sara Rahbar
My book: ‘I have no faith left for the devil to take’ is availble for purchase
on Amazon and at Art Asia Pacific. The first book to examine the practice of Sara Rahbar with an Essay by Catherine Grenier, adjunct director of Centre Pompidou
Up and Coming and current shows and projects:
June 16th-January 2012
Museum on the Seam, Jerusalam
• Activating Medi(t)ation, Examining Asian Cultural Perspectives
in the M-shaped Age
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
October1, 2011- January 1, 2012
• Despite moments of clarity, there is no “ism” in this book
100 New Artists, By Francesca Gavin
Laurance King Publishing 2011
• Solo with Carbon 12 dubai in March
websites for my work: