Written by Jurriaan

Duvel Design Contest
Belgian beer brand Duve has created another international design competition for their iconic glasses. On the 2nd of March the finale is held in gallery Magna Danysz in Paris during Fashion Week. Among the previous winners are Stefan Glerum (NL), Parra (NL), Eley Kishimoto (UK) en Arne Quinze (BE). This year’s Dutch entries who will be competing in Paris next week are (from right to left) Catarina Aimee Daams, Dorien Heemstra and Sjoerd Verbeek.
Catarine Aimee Dahms (28) is South-African by birth, living in Hilversum and working as a ‘creative entrepeneur’. She is a singer for the band Skip & Die and an MC for Knuckle Duster Agency, she exhibits her own multi-media artworks, is one of the founders of Satellite Spaces (a travelling gallery in Johannesburg) and she worked as the editor-in-chief at the online magazine SPUNK.nl. Her design voor Duvel is inspired by the Ndebele-culture (pronounced as ‘in da belly’) from South Africa, her slogan being ‘Duvel tastes better in da belly’.
Dorien Heemstra (20) is a final year student Interactive Design at the Media College in Amsterdam. She is planning on studying Illustration at the HKU in Utrecht. Dorien likes to draw, on paper and on the computer, and the designs in Photoshop and Illustrator. For Duvel she decided to work with faces, because she felt like Duvel is essentially for everyone.
Sjoerd Verbeek (26) is a graphic designer who’s working under the name of Studio Verbeek. He joined the contest because he enjoys that Duvel is endorsing artists and designers and he though the competition would be an ideal platform for young designers like himself.
More info:www.duvelcollection.com