
Written by Jurriaan

Rahi Rezvani

Written by Imane Elfilali

Rahi Rezvani (1978, Iran) is an Iranian artistic image maker based in The Netherlands. After graduating from the Royal Academy of Arts (KABK) in The Hague, his career took flight. Rezvani’s work is mostly dark and consists of high contrast black and white portraits, filmic still lives and scenic images.

Using both modern and historical photo techniques, Rezvani has created an unique esthetically visual language. With his black eyes and black beard, shy way of speaking, he looks like he is stuck in his own magnificent fantastic mind. The fantasy place where he broods amazing images depicting beauty and framing them with his own emotion and energy. In the next two years his work will be shown in Athens, New York, London and Paris. Rahi Rezvani, an artist to keep your eye on.