Deniz Terli

Written by Niem Tewarie

Freshly graduated from Artez in Arnhem (Master shoe design), Deniz Terli is one of those promising talents with an eye for exquisite design. The perception of femininity in society and the tension between femininity and masculinity inspired her for her graduation collection. The collection, consisting of three sub collections, contains dazzling and innovative pieces: feminine with a strong and edgy (masculine) tint. Each sub collection has its own theme.

Her ambitions for the future: “In about 10 years I want to have my own label and stores. The collection will consist of good basics, like the perfect flat ankle boot and the perfect simple pump, combined with unique and distinctive pieces. That’s my dream. But first I want to gain experience at a prominent shoe label.”

Deniz always had an interest for shoes and had been working in the shoe business as sales assistant during her study Fashion at the Willem de Koning Academy in Rotterdam. Soon she discovered her passion for shoe design. ‘It started with strong ideas about how the perfect shoe should look like and the urge to design this shoe myself.’ Deniz believes that to design the perfect pair of shoes one must master the skills of workmanship.  She worked in the atelier of a traditional shoemaker during her study to understand the whole process from beginning to end.

You can see her complete collection here.

 Pictures: Pim Top & Mathijs Labadie