Written by Jasmijn Tuit

Warsteiner is the sponsor of several popular festivals every year. Here’s a recap of 2014.
Warsteiner celebrated the first Kingsday at Strand West. Dekmantel put together a royal program in collaboration with Strand West with names as Nina Kraviz, Derrick May, DVS1, Marcel Fengler, function (live), Tom Trago and Cinnaman. Attendees could enjoy the music with their feet in the sand and a Warsteiner beer in the hand.
Kingsday Strandwest 2014 – Warsteiner Edit from Warsteiner Brauerei on Vimeo.
Enjoy music, art and culture in nature. Lente Kabinet challenges, inspires and surprises. Wondering trough the woods, drinking a beer in a mini caravan looking like a traditional pub, it was all possible on this fairytale like festival.
LENTE KABINET 2014 from Warsteiner Brauerei on Vimeo.
An expedition it was! Dancing trough nature, hanging in a treehouse or relaxing on the Warsteiner Wall. Sounds like a holiday far away but the festival was actually located in Rotterdam. Expedition was the right answer to the needs of many young people from around the city: good music on a great location with a relaxed vibe.
EXPEDITION FESTIVAL 2014 X WARSTEINER from Warsteiner Brauerei on Vimeo.
One day, 4000 nomads and 3 stages. Thirteen hours of classic house music surrounded by tipis and colorful carpets. Next to housepioniers Kerri Chandler, Robert Owens, Chez Damier and Marshall Jefferson Nomads Festival made room for new talent. These local heroes got a place at the special Tipi stage. Today people are always traveling and have interests in different cultures. A new generation was born: the nomads 2.0
NOMADS FESTIVAL 2014 X WARSTEINER from Warsteiner Brauerei on Vimeo.
LOST & SOUND (August 2014)
A intimate festival with a cultural edge with music as main focus. The day started in the center of Rotterdam, where hundreds of festival attendees collected to do a bike trip full of surprises. After 30 minutes they arrived at the festival where they could get married for one day, party in Joe’s Mini Rave or relax in de pop-up Kriterion Warsteiner bioscoop.
LOST & SOUND FESTIVAL 2014 X WARSTEINER from Warsteiner Brauerei on Vimeo.
DEKMANTEL (August 2014)
It all started with three friends creating a festival they would like to be a part of themselves. For three days The Amsterdamse Bos turned to a Mekka for 10.000 dance music lovers.
Compared to last year, a few things changed. The number of visitors, the program and this time Dekmantel had their own camping. The festival grew but stayed intimate.
DEKMANTEL FESTIVAL 2014 X WARSTEINER from Warsteiner Brauerei on Vimeo.