Written by Blend\Bureaux

Create a unique entrance strategy for the Dutch market.
Leading Dutch lifestyle magazine Blend is all about offering the finest of tomorrow’s fashion, art and music on a bed of original photography and captivating articles. Back in 2005, when the market was highly competitive, Blend decided to launch an independently published magazine with a unisex approach – a brave undertaking that deserved an equally brave introduction campaign.
We created a unique entrance strategy for the Dutch market. Our idea was to create a three-dimensional magazine, which you could hear, touch, buy, walk in and even take part of. So we decided to found the first pop-up store in the Netherlands,’60 DAYS OF SPACE’. BLEND traveled across the country for more than two years, hitting up the five big cities of Holland for 60 days each. Once those two months came to an end, the pop-up store immediately rushed to the next location to start the process all over. 60 DAYS OF SPACE involved local innovators and was a display space for products featured in the magazine.
The project gained positive attention in various national and international newspapers, lifestyle magazines and television.