Written by Blend\Bureaux

Connect young, motivated talent with masters of the trade who already earned their stripes in their creative field.
It isn’t always easy for young creatives to make a name for themselves. BLEND likes to support them and is in the possession of a broad network of influencers from different parts of the creative field. So why not bring these two together?
The New Talent Night was a returning event for young creatives, organized by BLEND Magazine & Streetlab. We invited inspiring creative professionals (such as Erwin Olaf, Erik Kessels and Daryl van Wouw) to take part as ‘masters’ and give new talents feedback during the portfolio speed dates. The fields varied from photography, fashion, advertising, graphic design to art. It was a successful event that attracted about 150 young creatives and 30 masters each time. The young creatives found jobs, internships and met interesting people. After eight editions in Amsterdam we realized the potential of the format and found funding for a New Talent Night Tour through the Netherlands.
During the night, the work of twenty talents was displayed in the form of an exhibition. These featured talents had been selected by ten different masters. Also a special edition magazine was launched, the New Talent Special. In addition, the Absolut Talent Award was handed out to one of the selected artists. It was a night full of inspiration and promising talent for the future.