Written by Blend\Bureaux

During a unique collaboration in honor of the launch of Chanel Allure Homme Edition Blanche parfum, the Chanel ‘White’ issue was born.
Coco Chanel was the absolute queen of fashion who made a name for herself in the roaring twenties. She had an immeasurable influence on the way we view fashion today. From the garçonne look to the well-known parfum Number 5, which was revolutionary because it for once did not smell like flowers like all other perfumes, Coco was a game changer.
The Allure Homme Edition Blanche parfum doesn’t smell like flowers either. It is an addition to the classic Allure line, which is dedicated to the artistic minds among us. As the name suggests, the parfum is inspired by the colour white – the colour of luxury and pureness.
We chose to dedicate an issue of Blend Magazine to the legendary Coco Chanel. Inspired by the Allure Homme Edition Blanche parfum we embraced white as the guideline for this issue.
This resulted in the Chanel ‘White’ issue of Blend Magazine. We were very honoured to be working with Chanel and tried our best to do justice to the legacy left behind by Coco.