Written by Blend\Bureaux

Present the new Human Rights T-shirt collection that Nudie Jeans made for Amnesty to a young, creative public (a new target group for Amnesty). Make the visitors aware of Human Rights and the good work Amnesty does.
Human rights sounds big, far away and too serious to attract the target group. We decided to focus on internet censure (freedom of speech), which was a highly relevant topic for Amnesty and is easier to relate to for this group.
During the CTRL-ALT-DELETE party the brand new T-shirt collection – consisting of 30 T-shirt designs, each representing a Human Right issue and made by an international artist- was presented in an ‘art gallery’ at the balcony of the venue.
More information was given about the concerns and work of Amnesty in the art gallery. Downstairs, attention was drawn to internet censure through visuals. The line up was inspired by the myspace and youtube generation: the carnivalesque, up tempo punky Ebony Bones (got known through myspace) gave her first big gig in Holland. Goose ended the night with a great live show and CTRL-ALT-DELETE was the only thing you had to say for yourself the next morning…