Written by Blend\Bureaux

BLEND\BUREAUX chose a target audience and developed a fitting positioning and strategy for Warsteiner.
BLEND\BUREAUX is constantly searching for brands and creatives that could fit Warsteiner and the other way around. We aim for Warsteiner to be a stage for creatives such as Ceizer and Jeroen van Tuyl. A collaboration like this is only possible if clients give you the time and opportunity.
To translate the ‘premium’ character, we decided to get in touch with the creative influencers – creative minds who have a connection with art. Art is part of the heritage of the Warsteiner family – think of the collaboration with Andy Warhol and their large art collection. Next to that, BLEND\BUREAUX sees art as a beating heart, the origin for music and fashion. These inspire each other and work together brilliantly. This intersection of disciplines is the basis of BLEND\BUREAUX’ process.
Meaning we support creatives through sponsoring, such as gallery openings. At the moment we support about hundred events per year, all curated by BLEND\BUREAUX. To emphasize the ‘premiumness’, we hire so-called Warsteiner Waiters to serve our beer during these events. They wear tailor-made suits designed by Dutch designer Jeroen van Tuyl. The seeding programme has given a certain value to the brand.
So far we have supported parties like the Stedelijk Museum, MOAM, Could Art & Coffee, GUP Magazine, New Dawn, Glamcult, Mini Galerie, We Are Labels and Ace & Tate.
NO MAN’S ART GALLERY from Warsteiner Brauerei on Vimeo.