Written by Blend\Bureaux

Create a TVC Warsteiner International Campaign that shows the values Warsteiner pursues.
‘If you are looking for something, something real, something to actually believe in, go for it, take it, chase it, know it, taste it, be proud of it, dream it, hunt it, fight for it, love it. But whatever it is you do. Do it right.”
That’s the message of the new Warsteiner campaign.
The campaign emotionalizes by telling true stories – stories of people who do what is right for them. At the same time, the campaign asks everyone to stand up for whatever their individual pursuit might be. The new Warsteiner brand umbrella campaign emphasizes attitudes and values, which the brand with its family tradition shares since 1753.
Already servicing the Dutch Warsteiner account, BLEND\BUREAUX has been chosen by Warsteiner Germany to collaborate with its leading agency Amsterdam Worldwide.
Amsterdam Worldwide is tasked with developing a new communication platform aimed to refresh the brand’s image primarily in Germany and its other established European markets. The most crucial goal is to make the brand fit with the current zeitgeist and make it future-proof yet relevant.
It’s the first time Warsteiner features a campaign with the focus primarily on authentic characters, their experiences and passions. This distinguishes Warsteiner’s campaign from nearly all others in the German beer market.