Written by Blend\Bureaux

Think of an activation for KLM Open displaying Warsteiner as it’s sponsor.
Warsteiner is the official sponsor of KLM Open, the premier golf tournament in the Netherlands. In addition to this, Warsteiner transformed golf into a night-time event in June 2014 when the Warsteiner Night Golf Challenge took place, a truly unique event. Warsteiner supports the KLM Open yearly.
The KLM Open 2014 was held at the Kennemer Golf & Country Club in Zandvoort. Warsteiner could be found at various spots around the course, including the Warsteiner Lounge Deck at hole 11 and the Premium Biergarten at hole 15.
In the run up to the KLM Open, Warsteiner organized the Warsteiner Night Golf Challenge. The aim was to present golf to a wider audience and add a fun factor to the event. For one night only, the Amsterdamse Bos Park was transformed into a specially designed par-3 golf course. The participants played on holes stunningly lit by LED lights, using glow-in-the-dark golf balls.
Not only were different golf clubs represented at the Warsteiner Night Golf Challenge, but an array of former top athletes and Dutch celebrities also took part, including Gerald Sibon (ex-footballer), Take Takema (ex-hockey player), Barbara Barend (sportscaster) and Frits Barend (presenter). The winner of the event was Arjan Gerretsen. He won one of the coveted Warsteiner Pro-Am spots at the KLM Open and got to team up with a golf pro from the European Tour to play nine holes against other Pro-Am teams.
The KLM Open was a great success for the Warsteiner brand. The spectators had a blast following their idols around the tournament while enjoying a refreshing Warsteiner Beer.
WARSTEINER NIGHTGOLF CHALLENGE from Warsteiner Brauerei on Vimeo.